Jan 27, 2020
As you’ll quickly learn in this podcast episode with guest Robby Sansom, fake meat and monocultures are destroying our planet at extremely fast rates.
Robby shares how long we currently have to continue on with the way our agricultural system is set up now-- it’s incredibly low -- and how regenerative agriculture...
Jan 20, 2020
Getting enough movement throughout your day isn’t just about keeping your body in peak physical shape.
To prove this, Aaron Alexander explains in this episode that postural anchoring can affect your mood and that your wrist strength is a surprising indicator of your cardiovascular health.
Aaron also discusses how...
Jan 15, 2020
In this first episode of The Natural State Podcast, we’re starting out with a controversial episode -- Jesse Griffiths and Dr. Anthony Gustin dive into hunting.
But they’re taking a completely different approach and looking at the other side to hunting in this episode.
So instead of killing animals for sport, it’s...
Jan 10, 2020
If you’re looking for The Keto Answers podcast, you’re in the right place… sort of.
As Dr. Anthony Gustin mentions in this short episode, which dives into what you can expect with The Natural State, keto and nutrition are just one piece of the puzzle and one tool you can use to achieve better health.
But they’re...